Monday, August 19, 2024

Confederation Odisha State CoC discusses local issues relating to CGHS with Addl. Director , CGHS, Bhubaneswar

Dear Comrades,

Today (19.08.2024) Com. Bruhaspati Samal, General Secretary, Confederation Odisha State CoC accompanied with Com. Shyama Sunder Sahoo, Vice President, AIPRPA, Bhubaneswar Division met Dr. Hari Singh, the Addl. Director, CGHS, Bhubaneswar and discussed on the following issues. 

1.   Opening of more Wellness Centres in Odisha: 

Though we had submitted our proposal for opening of as many 8 more numbers of CGHS WCs in Odisha, only Sambalpur was considered. It was confirmed that the information called for by the CGHS Directorate and collected / submitted by us in this regard with respect to the proposed Sambalpur WC has already been forwarded for further disposal. We had much expectation for Puri and Balasore (ITR, Chandipur) for which detailed information has been supplied by the AD, CGHS, Bhubaneswar to CGHS Directorate. During discussion, we decided to pursue the matter once again from both sides. 

2.   Staff Position in Odisha: 

While we expressed our concern regarding shortage of staff in various cadre including Doctors, the Addl. Director replied that recently recruitment for 14 vacant posts was finalized out of which only 6 candidates (4 Pharmacists and 2 MTSs) joined. He expressed his helplessness for non-availability of suitable candidates. Illustratively, he told that out of 4 vacant posts of Staff Nurse, only 3 Applications were received and out of these three, only one who was found suitable and selected declined to join. However, it was also informed to us that a revised vacant list against such other staff has already been submitted to the Regional Office Kolkatta for necessary approval and recruitment.

   Similarly, there is shortage of Doctors in CGHS WC No.1 & II, Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. The WC No. III, Bhubaneswar and Berhampur are having Doctors as per sanctioned strength. Especially, in Cuttack, there are 2 vacant posts. Similar is the position in WC-I, Bhubaneswar. We appeal for immediate posting of one Doctor in Cuttack which was assured since one Doctor who was on study leave is returning to Odisha. 

3.   CGHS WC Cuttack building situation: 

As per our earlier discussion, the matter is now at the disposal of CPWD which has been requested to submit the required estimate for repairing of the existing building now in dilapidated condition. In addition, as we came to know, if rented building will be available in the nearby area, we may go for shifting the WC Cuttack till repairing is completed or otherwise. 

4.   Supply of Geneset to WC-III, Bhubaneswar: 

Our proposal for installation of one Geneset in WC-III, Bhubaneswar is under consideration by the Addl. Director, as informed. Shortly, an estimate will be submitted to CGHS Directorate for approval in this regard. 

We are very much thankful the Addl. Director, CGHS, Bhubaneswar for giving us more than an hour inviting a healthy discussion on several other local issues also. We would like to expect the sincere cooperation of our staff members of Puri, Balasore and Cuttack for the next step we would like to initiate. 

= Bruhaspati Samal =

General Secretary

Confederation Odisha State CoC

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