Friday, August 9, 2024

Confederation Odisha State CoC participated in the State level rally / meeting organized by the joint forum of CTUs and independent Federations on 9th August 2024 in Bhubaneswar with 14 point charter of demands.

Dear Comrades,
Today's  State level program on 9th August, 2024 at Bhubaneswar in Lower PMG followed by a big rally/procession from Rajmahal Chhak at 11 AM was continued up to 1.30 PM. The joint Program was organised by all CTUs except BMS against the anti workers, anti people,  anti labour, anti employees and anti nation policies of NDA led Modi Government and protesting the budget last placed in Parliament which is supporting to big corporate houses, but not to the poor people of this country. In budget, there was nothing about control over sky rocketing market prices, essential commodities,  restoration of PDS system,  rather imposed GST in LIC polices and in health insurance scheme, order GST in more for the poors in different food items like biscuits, milk etc and less in goods products by corporate houses, tax exemption to corporate houses, selling of national property in the hands of Ambani and Aadani, 
Nothing about Wage revision,/ or for setting up of 8 th CPC, payment of freezing 18 months DA/ DR arrears, nothing about scraping of NPS and restoration of OPS, nothing about universal social Security, nothing about wage revision of Scheme workers and for their pension Or minimum pension of Rs. 9000/-,  nothing about Pensioners issues for Increasing of FMA or to implement the 110 th Standing committee report of Parliament to enhance pension in each 5 years as 5%,10%,15%and 20% in age of 65 ,70, 75 and in 80 years, nothing about filling up of lakhs of vacant posts in CG Organizations and more than one crore posts fallen vacant in State Government organizations, nothing about withdrawal of neww labour codes, rather attacked on TU rights example is NFPE, AIPEU - Group-C and ISSRO/ defense Association etc. 

The program was presided over by Sh Rama  Ch Khuntia, State President, INTUC and addressed. 

Eminet leaders like Com Amar jeet Kaur, All India General Secretary of AITUC, Com Bijay Ku Jena, State General Secretary, AITUC, Com Dusmant Das, from CITU, Com  Krishna Ch Patra from HMS, Com Mahendra Parida and Radhakanta Sethi from AITUCC, Com  J S Meher from AIUTUC, Com Kishore Jena from INTUC, Com Jyoti ranjan Mohapatra from AIUTCC. 

Myself addressed on behalf of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers CoC, Odisha as it's state President. 

Thousands of workers of all CTUs including scheme workers of different organizations attended. 

The lower PMG was covered with red flags and banners of different organizations and over crowded and seen like people's ocean. 

All have taken oath to fight to the last  with tooth and nail against the injustice, onslaught, dictatorships and anti employees/ Workers/ people's policies of Modi Government to oust from power to save the heard earned democracy and our Constitution of India. 
Today's program was held all over India as per the decisions of All india CTUs convention held at New Delhi on 29 th July, 2024 which will be culminated on 14 th August, 2024 observing Binidra Rajani with different ways before observing the 78 th Independence Day in India on 15 th August, 2024.

 Red Salute to All the leaders of CTUs and Independent Federations, Odisha for making the program a grand success and unique one. 

Let us pledge for united movement always in future to defeat the  BJP from power. 

-  R N Dhal -
President, CCGEW CoC, 
Odisha State Committee. 

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