Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Confederation Odisha State CoC participated in the SAMUHIK JAGARAN jointly organized by CITU and BCCUA in Bhubaneswar on the eve of 78th Independence Day

Dear Comrades, 

CITU, Bhubaneswar and Bhubaneswar City Coordination Committee of Unions and Associations (BCCUA) jointly organized  SAMUHIK JAGARAN in Bhubaneswar on 14.08.2024 evening on the eve of 78th Independence Day of India. A Public Seminar titled "Protection of Equality, Secularism, Indian Constitution and Right to Work" was also conducted which was presided and addressed by Com. Bruhaspati Samal, General Secretary, Confederation Odisha State CoC.

The seminar was inaugurated by Com. Janardan Pati, State President, CITU, Odisha, and addressed by Prof. Bijaya Kumar Bahidar, as Chief Speaker. Among others, Com. Dusmanta Das ‌(OSKEM) and leaders from several unions and association including BEFI, LICEU, OSGECC etc were also participated in the probramme.

 Trophies and Certificates were distributed to the winning / participating students of different competitions organized for the purpose. Some trade union leaders were also felicitated for their outstanding performance in the grassroot level . The programme was followed by colourful cultural programmes.

Thanks to Com. Pradipta Nayak, Coordinator, CITU, Bhubaneswar for his sincere effort to make the programme successful. The vote of thanks was given by Com. R N Sahoo, Secretary, BCCUA.



General Secretary 

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