Friday, September 13, 2024

NCCPA / AIPRPA Odisha State Committee organized one day dharna programme in front of DA(P) Office, Cuttack on 13.09.2024

 Dear Comrades,

The Program was held today  in front of O/ O the Director of Postal Accounts, Mohanadi Vihar, Cuttack-753004 as per the call of NCCPA/ AIPRPA CHQr under the banner of OCCPRA and AIPRPA, Odisha State Committee/ Cuttack District Committee , taking together with State Government( OSREF) , CGPA, AIBDPA, AOLICPA, AOGICPA, AOBEF, , AOEPFPA,  and  some other Pensioners Association of State Government. 

The Dharana / Demonstration Program was from 11 AM  to 1.30 PM  was inaugurated by Com Abhay Kumar Das, Joint Convenor of Cuttack City Co- Ordination committee of Unions and Associations. 

Program was led by ComR N Dhal, State Convenor of OCCPRA and State Secretary of AIPRPA, Odisha who is also the District Secretary of Cuttack District Committee. 

Before starting of the program, one minute silence was observed for the sad and untimely death of Com Sitaram Yechuri, General secretary of CPI( M) and a great leader of the nation who passed away on 12.09.2024 at 03.05 AIIMS, New Delhi, brought the condolence proposal by Com RN Dhal and then briefed about today's program and for the 14 Point charter of demands. 

The following leaders addressed in the program:-

Com R N Mallik and Com M G Barik ( LIC PA), Com G N Behera ( OSREF), Com P K Mohanty and Com K C Behera ( GICPA), Com A K Nayak ( CGPA), Com Bruhaspati Samal and Com Bishnu Das ( AIPRPA), Com Jagannath Mallick ( AIBDPA), Com Prakash Ch Ray and Com Kishore Jena ( AOBEPF) , Com B D Brahma, ( EPFPA), Com R C Rana (  OSGPA). 
About 50-60 Leaders and members from different Pensioners Associations attended.
At last the Memorandum prepared as per the direction of the NCCPA/ AIPRPA CHQ on 14 point charter of demands was handed over to   the office Supervisor of DAP  office for reference of DA(P) and onward transmission and the e-mail was sent to all concerned by Com R N Dhal on behalf of AIPRPA,  Odisha State Committee ended the program with vote of thanks to all participants and the press/ media persons covered the news and program. 

Red salute to all organizations and leaders and members attended and made the program a grand success. 🙏

:- R N  Dhal
Convenor, OCCPRA
State Secretary, AIPRPA, Odisha.

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